New Year’s Resolutions for Kids

New Year's Resolutions

New Year’s resolutions provide a valuable platform for young minds to cultivate important life skills and foster a positive mindset. Check out this resource and then keep reading.

5 compelling reasons to set resolutions with your students

1. Foster Responsibility

Setting and achieving goals is an essential life skill. You can empower your students to take responsibility for their own growth and development. This early exposure to goal-setting instills a sense of accountability, teaching children that they have the power to shape their own destinies.

2. Promote Self-Reflection

New Year’s resolutions prompt students to reflect on their strengths, and areas for improvement. This reflective process helps them gain a deeper understanding of themselves . You can guide your students to articulate their thoughts and emotions, fostering self-awareness and promoting a positive self-image.

3. Cultivate Perseverance

The journey towards achieving resolutions is often filled with challenges. This provides a valuable opportunity for your students to develop perseverance. You can use these teachable moments to help students understand that setbacks are a natural part of any journey and that the key is to learn from them, adapt, and persist.

4. Encourage Healthy Habits

Many New Year’s resolutions revolve around adopting healthier habits, such as staying active, eating nutritious foods, or getting enough sleep. By guiding your students to set resolutions related to their well-being, you can help them develop lifelong habits that promote their physical and mental health.

5. Practice Time Management Skills

Achieving resolutions requires effective time management. Your students can benefit from learning how to prioritize tasks, set realistic deadlines, and use time efficiently. You can incorporate time management skills into classroom activities, teaching your students the importance of balancing their academic, extracurricular, and personal responsibilities.

So, now you know WHY students should set goals. Grab this fun taco-themed New Year’s resource and your students can taco ’bout their New Year’s resolutions as they practice life skills.

🎉This resource teaches the definition of RESOLUTION

🎉Provides step by step directions on how to set effective resolutions.

🎉Includes different options with and without sentence stems to differentiate


New Year's resolutions for kids
Help students set New Year’s resolutions

One more thing before you go,

Read this blog post and grab a goal setting freebie!

Supporting you always!


Angel x

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Hi, I'm Angel

 I support teachers in building a positive classroom community with management systems, strategies, and activities so students can be engaged in learning.  In my 20+ years of teaching I’ve learned what works and I want to share it with you!

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