What is voracious reading? Why is it important?

What is the most important lesson you can teach your students? The meaning of the word VORACIOUS and how they should become voracious learners.
During the first week of school, we share stories to build our classroom community. I show them a picture of myself in second grade. I tell my students every night I read under the covers with a flashlight. Every day as I walked home from school, I would read. I would sit in the grass and read. I would read at the dinner table.
I was a VORACIOUS reader!
I ask them “What do you think being a voracious reader means?”
Students usually say “you liked to read a lot” or “you read all the time.” Yes! This is voracious reading!
Sometimes the definition will click and a student might say, “I play basketball all the time. I am a voracious basketball player!” Another student might say, “I ride by bike after school. I am a voracious bike rider.”
As my students learn to connect this new word, I celebrate their enthusiasm.
We make a class book celebrating all the things we are voracious at both in school and at home. Students fill in the blanks and draw a picture and we make it into a class book.
This is the beginning of our becoming voracious learners!

Click for the FREE Voracious Worksheets
We discuss that being voracious about something means that you do it all the time and usually you improve your skills because of your practice. I tell them that this year they will become voracious readers and writers.
We read and write every day to truly become voracious learners!
If you find the worksheets helpful, check out my voracious reading lesson plans on TpT! Voracious Reading lesson plans