Using Stuffed Animals in the Classroom

stuffed animals in the classroom

Kids LOVE ๐Ÿ˜stuffed animals! Keep reading for more ideas about how to use stuffed animals in your classroom. Grab a freebie to teach your expectations before you implement this engaging strategy!

5 Ways to Use Stuffed Animals in the Classroom

  1. Reading buddies-students will LOVE to practice reading fluency with a stuffed animal. Provide a text, time to practice and let students choose their favorite stuffed animal to read to. Talk about engagement!
  2. Calming Corner-when students have BIG emotions, a stuffed friend is a perfect tool to help them calm down. Of course there are other strategies like deep breathing-read more here- but a stuffed animal can be a tangible item to help students compose themselves.
  3. Conflict Resolution-sometimes when two students are having a problem they may not want to talk about it with each other. Sharing the problem with a stuffed friend might help them open up.
  4. Inspiration-if students need an idea or have a few extra minutes (you know those early finishers), use a stuffed animal for inspiration. Students can sketch and/or write a story about their favorite classroom stuffed animal.
  5. Morning Meeting– I let the helper of the day choose a stuffed animal as a talking stick during our morning meeting. We establish a routine-you can only talk if you have the stuffed animal and students can give him an extra squeeze as they’re sharing their thoughts, feelings and ideas. Read about sharing ideas here!

Teach Expectations

When I use stuffed animals in my classroom, I do let all students have the opportunity use my stuffed animals. However, before we get started, as a class we create rules to be safe, respectful and responsible. Grab a freebie here with rules and ideas to set your expectations.

Where Can I get Stuffed Animals?

My friend Clifford (see above) came from a Goodwill. Sometimes you find stuffed animals at yard sales. Some of mine belong to my adult daughter and I tell students to be extra respectful with those. ๐Ÿ˜โค๏ธ

You can also look online with companies like Oriental Trading or Amazon. At back to school time, sometimes Kohl’s has story related plushies.

One final note, with the right structures in place, your stuffed animals can be an engaging component to building a positive classroom community.

So, even if you only have 1 or 2, bring some fun into your classroom with stuffed animals!

Supporting you always! โค๏ธ

Angel x

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Hi, I'm Angel

ย I support teachers in building a positive classroom community with management systems, strategies, and activities so students can be engaged in learning.ย  In my 20+ years of teaching Iโ€™ve learned what works and I want to share it with you!

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