How to teach values-Be Safe Respectful and Responsible

Teach values

How do you teach the values of being safe, respectful and responsible in your classroom?

These values are critical to building a postive classroom community. A strong foundation for any classroom is students’ comprehension of the values and expectations. This structure motivates students and helps them feel more successful.

Use these 4 steps to teach values in your classroom:

  1. Define
  2. Model
  3. Notice
  4. Practice


First define each value and explain what each value means and how that will look in your classroom with your students.

Be safe -to feel protected and safe from harm

Be respectful-to show how your actions affect others

Be responsible-to do what you are expected to do


Next model these values in action. You can share books where characters demonstrate the values. You can also have students role play different behaviors or situations.

Read Aloud Suggestions:

For safety one of my favorites is Officer Buckle and Gloria by Peggy Rathmann. Officer Buckle shares safety rules with students and his buddy Gloria.

Showing respect or treating others the way you want to be treated is demonstrated in the book

Do Unto Otters by Laurie Keller. In this humorous story, otters discuss how they want to be treated by their neighbors.

Finally, when you are responsible, you do what you are expected to do and if you make a mistake, you apologize. In Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes, Lilly learns what responsibility truly means.


After the read alouds, students can identify the values when they see them in people they know. Noticing when others demonstrate these values will help students solidfy their understanding.

Set aside time each day where students can share that they have noticed others demonstrating your class values.

Provide sentence frames such as “I saw Alexis being safe when she ____.” or “John was being responsible when he ___.” These observations can be recorded to display in the classroom and share with families.


Finally students need lots of practice demonstrating the values. One of the best ways to practice any skill is to play a game! Did you know play is our brain’s favorite way of learning?

Using familiar card games such as Go Fish, Memory or Wild Card (similar to Uno) helps students practice identifying safe, respectful and responsible behaviors. Students match examples of safe, respectful and responsible behavior with these different games. You can also use the games with students who need reteaching. After a break, when many of your students need a review, you can play these games too.

Card games for teaching values

Another idea is to use a simple worksheet to review values. These fill in the blank or cut & paste worksheets are great to leave for a sub or with students who need reteaching.

Also when you want to review the values with the everyone, you can play scoot. Try this whole class movement game that is great for reviewing any content. Read more about scoot here.

Practice classroom values

In conclusion when teaching values in the classroom provide lots of practice opportunities. Grab this resource CLASSROOM RULES and you’ll have everything you need to teach the values of being safe, respectful and responsible.

Supporting you always! 💗💗

Angel x

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Hi, I'm Angel

 I support teachers in building a positive classroom community with management systems, strategies, and activities so students can be engaged in learning.  In my 20+ years of teaching I’ve learned what works and I want to share it with you!

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