How to Teach Listening Skills

Kids listening to the teacher

Try these 4 strategies!

First set the stage

Next practice

Then think about your lesson

Finally utilize effective strategies

Set the stage:

  1. Establish specific listening expectations with your students
  2. Make it clear : What should their body be doing? What should they look like?
  3. Think about how you want your students to pay attention in different situations

Grab a free guide to plan out your expectations!

Provide practice opportunities:

  1. Try these fun listening activities during your morning meeting
  2. Allow students to model listening expectations with role play
  3. Another technique: model the correct way, the incorrect way and the correct way again and reflect
  4. Review listening whenever students need a reminder

Before during and after:

1.Before your lesson: Establish listening expectations for that lesson. The type of lesson for example -whole group, small group, partner work- may require different listening expectations.

2. During your lesson: Point out students who are paying attention. Remember you get more of what you pay attention to- so be specific!

“She listened to the directions and has her name and date on her paper.”

“I can tell she’s paying attention because she’s started the activity.”

3.After your lesson: Ask your students these questions and reflect on the answers! Chart the answers to use as a reference in the future!

“How do you know you were listening?”

“What behaviors showed that you were paying attention?”

Utilize effective strategies:

  1. Use visuals and motions during your instruction
  2. Increase student engagement with choral reading or echo reading
  3. Teach in small chunks of time to allow students to process
  4. Use call and response to practice and solidify concepts
  5. Allow students to teach each other and set up expectations for partner work
  6. Provide brain breaks- do jumping jacks, take a breathing break or use a website like Go Noodle

Check out this resource to help build an effective listening routine!

😉Remember listening is a skill that needs to be constantly practiced!

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Supporting you always! 💗💗💗

Angel x

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Hi, I'm Angel

 I support teachers in building a positive classroom community with management systems, strategies, and activities so students can be engaged in learning.  In my 20+ years of teaching I’ve learned what works and I want to share it with you!

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