Place value understanding involves knowing what the ones and tens places represent and becoming flexible with number representation. Two ideas include using a 120 number chart and place value task cards.
Students need to understand numbers in word form, number form and expanded form. For example, students should be able to build the number, read the number word and write the number both with digits and in expanded form.
Review with a Number Chart
One strategy is to use a 120 number chart to help students see patterns and understand number sequence which helps solidify their understanding. They learn that place value means that the value of a digit is determined by its place in the number. For example, 19 and 91 are not the same number. They have the same digits but they are different places in the number which determines the value. Try these ideas for using a 120 number chart.
Review with Task cards
Another strategy involves hands on practicing reading and writing 2 digit numbers.
First provide manipulatives so students can build different numbers to understand how 19 and 91 are different.
Next use place value task cards to provide practice. You can use the cards at math centers, for early finishers or with the whole class in a game of scoot. Practicing builds students’ confidence and fluency with digits, number words and expanded form. Check out the football themed task cards below.

In conclusion to build place value understanding, use activities with a number chart and task cards to practice writing and reading 2 digit numbers fluently.
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