Math Warm Up Activities

Why use a math warm up?

Using a 5-10 minute math warm up can provide a smooth transition into your math lesson. In addition a structured math routine including a warm up can help students prepare for a lesson by stimulating their minds. Finally consistency with a daily warm up helps with engagement which decreases off-task behavior.  Now you know why you should use math warm ups. Next, decide on your purpose.

What’s your purpose?

  1. Review content-There’s never enough time to provide spiral review-TA DA!-math warm up. First choose a problem, activity or task that reviews a previously taught concept. For example, in first grade students learn place value to 2 digits. So choosing this topic at the beginning of 2nd grade will help students focus on the structure of your warm ups. Also, it will help you assess how well students retained the place value concepts.
  2. Introduce new content-As you start a new math concept, use a math warm up activity to pique your students’ interest. For example, when I introduce skip counting, I use the Schoolhouse Rock skip counting videos (check You tube). We’ll watch the videos several times and students often sing along to learn the number patterns!
  3. Provide content for the lesson-Before students start the independent portion of your math lesson, use a warm up to teach the routine, common mistakes students make or just provide guided practice. For example, when teaching students to identify 3-digit numbers, use a warm up to practice turn and talk with a partner.
  4. Teach a review game-Sometimes I use the warm up to teach the rules or expectations for a review game such as scoot. I use the first 10 minutes to explain the game and then students can work independently. Using scoot is an effective strategy to see who understands the concepts you’ve taught. Read more about scoot here.

How to do a math warm up

  1. Decide on a content routine-This routine could be based on your math curriculum. For example, on Mondays you start a new lesson, so use a math warm up to introduce your topic. You could also do theme days such as Mystery Number Monday, Think about it Tuesday etc. This routine is for the content you will be teaching.
  2. Establish an expectation routine-This routine is what you want your students to do when they are doing the math warm up. For example, where do they sit? (on the carpet or at their seat?) What supplies do they need? (where and how do they get the supplies?) Do they work with a partner? (if so, how?) Create a routine and practice the routine in small explicit steps with visuals and expectations written out.
  3. BONUS TIP: When introducing a math warm up routine, provide math content that is familiar to students so they can focus on the management routine.

Read about my favorite warm up-What’s My Number?

This warm up can be used to review, introduce or practice place value with any number, comparison of numbers and even and odd.

Read about how to implement this no prep warm up here!

In Summary, you can use math warm ups to:

  • Help students transition to your math lesson
  • Engage students in math content-decrease off-task behaviors
  • Review content
  • Preview new content
  • Teach a math game
  • Practice math discussion

Supporting you always!


Angel x

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Hi, I'm Angel

 I support teachers in building a positive classroom community with management systems, strategies, and activities so students can be engaged in learning.  In my 20+ years of teaching I’ve learned what works and I want to share it with you!

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